
Friday, March 28, 2014

Thembi Seete Accused of Stealing Fiesta Black 's Song

Boom Shaka star and Music industry veteran, Thembi Seete & DJ Ganyani have been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons over the past few days , Xigubu Vocalist Thandi Mokgoankgoa , known in the music industry as Fiesta Black is alleging that Thembi stole the now popular song 'Thuntsha Lerole' from right under her nose , and was apparently assisted by DJ Ganyani.

Apparently Fiesta Black became absolutely hysterical upon hearing the song being blasted at Bujy Bikwa 's Birthday shindig recently.
She supposedly even went to the DJ Booth to try stop the music & explain to the crowd that the song playing belongs to her

Fiesta Black said “I recorded that song on May 23 last year at Ganyani Entertainment in Meadowlands, Soweto.”
Producer Tibi, real name Matibisi, claims he co-wrote the song with Fiesta Black and alleges Mokgoankgoa knew from the word go the song was meant for Seete.

“I wrote the song with Fiesta Black and she knew when she recorded it that she was doing the song for Thembi,” Tibi told the paper.
On the other hand DJ Ganyani had interesting words for Thembi Seete.“I am furious. Since when does Thembi know how to write? Since her days of A ke tsebe nka iketsang? It is a pity that I have not yet copyrighted the song, but I have proof of when the song was recorded. I want to deal with her and literally thuntsa lerole (raise the dust),”

Fiesta Black is prepared to fight this fight to the end until justice to the fact that its her song its served .

For Booking Fiesta Black , Booking Thembi Seete , Booking DJ Ganyani , email or 0715199905

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