Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Nathi’s Buyelekhaya album goes platinum

New kid on the block Nathi Mankayi has made waves in the SA music industry and his debut album “Buyelekhaya” recently went platinum.
One song on Nathi 's album that has been making waves is ' Nomvula' .

Nathi says the song is about  umntu olubambo lwakho (“a lover you aspire to have” or “your dream lover”). Nomvula is the girl I dream about it, the girl I imagine spending the rest of my life with. The reason her name is Nomvula is because in Xhosa culture, especially back in the day, if someone was born on a rainy day or night, they would have been named Nomvula or Zanomvula, which means “one that came with the rain”.
Rain symbolised intsikelelo [“blessings”] and if someone was born while it was raining, it meant thatoCamagu [“ancestors”] were in agreement and that the child was going to be a blessing. That’s who “Nomvula” is to me.
For Nathi Nomvula bookings : booking@djsproduction.co.za / 0813401356

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